Download donation form or click the Donate button at the top of the page to electronically give via GoFundMe.
Memorial Program
Have a homeless piggie named after a loved ones pet. For a $25 donation you'll also receive a pigture of the piggie getting that special name.
Become a Member
For just $25 you can become a member and help our piggies for a full year. Receive our newsletter "The Critter Chronicles" and receive invitations to all our special events throughout the year.
The Critter Corral is looking for ambitious volunteers to help at our events.
Looking for some cute Guinea Pig Items and want to benefit The Critter Corral?
Check out the following sites:
Amazon Wish List
Guinea Pig Market
Cafepress Store
KMS Hayloft
Adopt A Pet
Cavy Madness
Small Pet Select (use coupon code CRITTERCORRAL 10% will benefit rescue)